Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Play by any Other Name Would Sound Just as Sweet

I was looking through YouTube looking for videos that had to do with theatre when I stumbled upon this little gem; it is a video version of the Othello Sparknotes. I find this interesting because I've always appreciated Sparknotes for the service it provided students. I remember when I was learning a bit of Shakespeare in my 7th grade Advanced English class. I could hardly understand what Shakespeare had written, and my teachers explanation left a lot to be desired, but once I found Sparknotes and it's companion, No Fear Shakespeare, Shakespeare has always been a breeze for me when we studied it in my English classes.

I like how this YouTube user made sort of an audio book for the Sparknotes summary, and even had illustrations to accompany it. While his narration was a bit dry, I see a lot of potential in this idea. The beauty of Shakespeare isn't the archetypal themes he presents through his literature, but the language which he presents it in. However, if you do not understand Shakespearean English you can not truly appreciate the beauty of Shakespeare's writing. Shakespeare's writing has such beautiful prose, poetry, and is filled with hilarious puns and one-liners, which can be lost on the average student, but with the help of things like Sparknotes, No Fear Shakespeare, and this video students can first learn to appreciate the story Shakespeare has written, understand it, and then value the beautiful way it was written.


  1. Great entry, and this confirms what I've always felt as an English teacher: students need to know how to help themselves. Many of us feel that Sparknotes represents a dirty word. The truth of the matter is that scholars and successful students have always used study guides. Dante couldn't have made it through hell without his guide Virgil.

  2. I think this is an awesome idea. I wish I would have known about this during my junior year, when all we read was Shakespeare. This would have made that class a breeze. His voice is kind of monotone, but it would have been worth it in the end to finally understand Shakespearean language. Thank you, Mike!

  3. Ahhhh...great way to prove that Sparknotes isn't the students way of cheating! I agree with Quashelle that had we known about this masterpiece our junior year we would have understood Shakespeare a lot more.

  4. Mike, I'm a little behind the times. But I have to comment here and say that I agree that the beauty of Shakespeare is only felt through his use of language. The themes are eternal and found throughout plenty of other literature, but how he says what he says is true beauty!
