Wednesday, December 1, 2010

America: Falling Behind?

Thanks to Mr. Abrams I have slowly, but surely become addicted to reading at least one article from the New York Times every week or so. I was perusing the website this weekend when I stumbled upon this article. It was about the technological advances of other societies(specifically India's) educational system, and how America is falling behind the times.

I instantly thought of Senior Project and how Mr. Abrams is always trying to add different levels of technology to his lessons. This opinion article is focused on IIT, or the Indian Institute of Technology( modeled after MIT), and how it's high standards, student living policies and attitude towards technology are the reasons this school is cranking out some of the world's top "innovators, and entrepreneur and the article finished with a poignant statement, " there’s something for America to learn from these institutes (which, incidentally, were modeled on MIT) if we are to regain our innovative edge."

After reading this I thought to myself that LHS does a pretty good job when it comes to technology and education. Of course we could always do better but, for a smaller school I think LHS offers an extremely well versed technological education, and I'm sure in the future, the school will take the relationship between education and technology futher.


  1. I agree, our little school provides so much in the way of technology, and I'm pleased that the class seems to be into blogging and open to exploring how digital "stuff" can enhance the educational experience. Alas, I remember the days when most high schools lacked Xerox machines and when film strips and overhead transparency projectors qualified as technology.

    I refuse to become a dinosaur...

  2. This article sounds really interesting. I'm always curious in how technology has advanced and how other coutry's use technology differently than our country.
